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- My favorite color is silver even though it's technically not a color. 

- I usually like grey everything like clothes or furniture even though it's not considered a color either.

- I'm sad that both silver and grey are not considered colors.

- My next favorite color would be pink. 

- I like to write in purple ink.

- On cars, I do prefer white.

- I've been cutting my own hair since I was 16 years old. 

- I consider myself an extrovert with introverted moments. 

- I love going out and doing things with people but I also require my comfy, quiet time or else I'll go crazy.

- I believe that networking is one of my only few skills. 

- I hate onions so much. Get all that stuff away from me, please. 

- I'm an Android/Windows person but I like to be compatible with everything so I also have an iPhone and an airbook. 

- I LOVE when there's a variety of things to choose from but the problem with that is I could take forever to choose something because depending on the situation, I can be extremely indecisive. 

- Chocolate is my life. You're in for a bad time if you ever decide to give me flowers instead of chocolate. I can't eat flowers. 

- You're also in for a bad time if you decide to talk to me when I wake up restless, hungry, and sweaty. Good thing this is a rare situation. 

- Bad weather can easily affect my mood. I hate hot, cold, windy, and rainy weather. All of that stuff could maybe be okay if I am comfortably indoors. 

- One of my biggest dreams is to someday be rich enough where I can just escape uncomfortable weather by traveling to cold places in the summer and warm places in the winter. That's pretty extra, huh. Yep, I know. 

- My username is "shinydiane" just because I like shiny things. It had nothing to do with Pokemon but a lot of people assumed it was because they knew I loved Pokemon. It's okay though cause shiny Pokemon are cool.
- Cherries are my favorite fruit. 

- Both of my pinkies are crooked. I didn't know that was weird until multiple people told me it was. I was born like this and I'll show you if you ask. 

- In my worst car accident, I was holding a long knife trying to open a gameboy accessory cause we were coming home from Toys R Us. I wasn't the one driving though so DW. I was actually way too young to even think about driving at this age. The knife flung away somewhere when the hit happened. Not sure where it landed but fortunately, no one was hurt from it.  

©2021 by shinydiane. 

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