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I planned on being a pharmacist after graduating high school but decided to attempt my dream job of becoming a criminal investigator or a forensic scientist. What I didn't know was that you have to be a cop before you do any of that. My counselor informed me of this when I was already in the first semester of attempting this field. (Me? A cop? NOT A CHANCE. NO ONE WOULD TAKE ME SERIOUSLY AND/OR MY FRAGILE BONEY BODY WOULD BE IN SUCH DANGER. The semester was fun though cause we were required to go on a "ride-along" with a cop butttt unfortunately, I also wasn't very good at learning about the law and justice.) 


So I changed my major to biology thinking it was just a common major not knowing what I really wanted to do with it but FUCK CHEMISTRY. OMG. Chemistry lab was the worst part of my entire college life. I'm good with the handsy stuff but NOT the stupid formulas. AH. I had to flee ASAP. 100% SERIOUS. 


I changed my major a final time and was able to graduate with a game development degree. SHOUT OUT TO STEVEN FOR ALL YOUR CODING HELP. I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL. 

Other dream jobs I had growing up: surgeon, flight attendant, pilot, inventor/creator, actress, model.

©2021 by shinydiane. 

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